Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day TwentyTwo

There, finally, for those of you who kept insisting "pyramid" ... you know who you are! 

Super-duper quickie today, have plans, must go.  Tomorrow will probalby be another really late entry :)


  1. Oooo.... I love the pyramid! I especially like the little glint of light on the lower left. Is that sugar on them, like in that other picture?

  2. Very nice with all the little air-bubbles lit up.

  3. Nice composition and the backlighting really makes the colors and air bubbles pop. I can imagine so many of your images framed...with one perhaps hung next to a pool table. They're just so cool.

  4. This certainly does NOT look like a quickie. The backlighting is beautiful, the composition superb, and the colours and overal mood are fantastic, especially those fuzzy reflections. Excellently done!

  5. I can't believe this was quick! NO WAY! I also cannot believe that these marbles behaved all by themselves. Surely you used glue???

  6. Katdanson - no sugar in this one, just the tiny bubbles inside the marbles.

    Andromeda - I had several days of miserably failed pyramids! They surely don't behave by themself. I don't use glue, I use little pieces of my clay. Something that is very easy to get off (doesnt stick too well sometimes either). Sometimes even with clay, a little tiny nudge of the surface sends them flying.

  7. Nice cool colors! You really filled the frame with marbles today.

  8. Cool matching colours and kuddo's for making a pyramid.

  9. Gorgeous! I take me hat off to you (or I would, if I wuz wearin' one!) for working with these slippery little suckers!! You have more patience than me, that's for sure!!

  10. You make it look easy! I like your explanations that say its not so easy.

  11. I like the reflection
