Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Eight

I was out getting some fabric today that I needed.  I came home and remembered I didn't do my marble shot yet!  I thought about what to do, and decided 'hey why not include one of the fabrics I just got' ... so I did :)  I notice that I seem to like angles.


  1. Pink and blue go together beautifully here, but I find that perhaps your contrast and/or saturation is a bit high, so that the shadows have become a bit bobby with pink and blue colour.

    The composition and angle are simply wonderful! Very nice work.

  2. Yes, the angles are working out well. Apart from the angle, I'm not sure about todays. Too much dof and contrast for me but I dooo like the angle :-)

  3. Oooo... the DoF on this one is so neat looking! I find the contrast unusual, which I like.

  4. It may not be consistent with your collection, but I personally like this style...creating something different with filters, causing colors to melt into to one another. Photo art.

  5. I notice that I do seem to like your angles as well.
    The DoF makes the marbles in the back look the have sunken into the fabric, really special.
    I like this one a lot.

  6. The effect is alienating and interesting.

  7. Love the composition but find the intense color a bit strong in the shadow areas particularly. Still, very nice.

  8. Wow. The marbles at the back look like they've melted and sagged. Great composition

  9. Certainly a strange effect on the hind marbles...

  10. Very 70's. I like the melted marbles in the background. :P

  11. Wow - great DoF! And the blue and pink look wonderful together!

  12. Pink and blue is great together. I like the effect you have created. One day I am going to have try the angles you are using
