Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day TwentyThree

Ok another late night getting home.  I thought I'd just do a really quick shot of scattering marbles and use shallow DoF.  So I took one shot, saw bokeh, and came up with this 'brilliant' idea to spice up a boring shot. Grabbed paper, scissors, tape, and two more lights for more shine.  Hmm, yeah so remind me to save 'brilliant ideas' for when I'm not in a time crunch.  Thankfully I've done it in time though.  This is the result and also a bad headache.  The angle I was laying and holding my head just kinked up my neck badly causing a headache on top of my already mysteriously aching/hurting wrist for the last few days. :(


  1. Way to give it up for the team. Sorry to hear about the headache. But I can tell you that it wasn't in vain. This is a great shot and your homemade stars add something unique to the bokah!

  2. I mean bokeh, of course. :-)

  3. Wow, this is great! The stars really do add something magical to it. They look like they are stuck onto those rear marbles. Fantastic. And the sharp one in the foreground looks like a crystal magic ball. The entire thing is so very magical and lovely with extremely suitable colours to go with it. Excellent work!

  4. Go Stars! This is so cute! The stars practically jump off the screen. Great job. :)

  5. Where is that little wizard? Lovely lighting.

  6. A beautiful all round shot. Gorgeous colours and effective tilt.

  7. The things we do for cool photos'. It was worth it. Very fairytale dreamy, I love it.

  8. Sorry about the headache and the sore wrist. Feel better soon.

    The photo is just so mysterious and magical. Beautiful lighting and the stars really step it up a notch. Well done!

  9. This really is magical! Gorgeous colours and the stars are just, well, perfect :-)

  10. A magical shot, the wizard is in control. Hope your aches are all better now

  11. Definitely mystical.. nice how a plan developes
