The nest that holds the seed to the deepest, darkest part of your mind. Hate, anger, and frustration hatch from this place.
Frustrated tonight. Forgot about my marble in the process of attempting other things that just havent worked out all day. I hit that place where you just want to scream. I've never really taken a photo that captures (in an odd way) how I'm feeling at that moment. Just did though - to me atleast. May not hold meaning to others, but that is ok. I actually find humor in this because it's so '
emo' and that is completely opposite of me - yet that is how I feel tonight. Tomorrow brings a new day.
*ETA* I can't even look at this photo anymore, it's creeping me out. I see faces when I look at the large version of it. I'll have nightmares now hahha! It's like it sucked the 'darkness' right out of me and captured it here. The frustration feeling is gone and I'm afraid of this photo.